Volunteer Treasurer Needed

We are looking for a Volunteer Treasurer with an interest or a personal connection to haemochromatosis and who is interested in raising more awareness of Ireland’s most common genetic disorder. We are seeking individuals with skills and experience in finance, accountancy, book-keeping.

World Haemochromatosis Awareness Week 2023

World Haemochromatosis Awareness Week 2023 was a great success this year, thanks to all our members, the public, the media, volunteers and nurses around the country who shared their stories of haemochromatosis, promoted the week on radio, print or social media or to everyone who set up an information stand in their workplace or shopping […]

Caroline Martin tells her story during World Haemochromatosis Awareness Week

Caroline Martin talks about her story and her haemochromatosis journey with the Irish Daily Star, Chic magazine for World Haemochromatosis Awareness Week 2023. ‘Symptoms are often ones that are common with other medical conditions, so that is why it is so important to get tested for haemochromatosis.’ Caroline is passionate about raising awareness of haemochromatosis […]

Oireachtas Briefing on Haemochromatosis

A national strategy for haemochromatosis was big on the agenda in Leinster House during May. Thank you to all the TDs and Senators who attended our briefing and submitted parliamentary questions

Patient Information Event in Galway

We were delighted to meet everyone in-person and see people so engaged and asking lots of questions at our Galway Patient Information event at the Galway Bay Hotel in May 2023! Huge thanks to Dr. Brian Osborne, who gave a wonderful presentation. Thank you also to Dr Diarmuid Quinlan, Medical Director, Irish College of GPs. […]

Corporate Partnerships – Nominate us

Does your company have Charity of the Year partnerships? If you would like to nominate the Irish Haemochromatosis Association for a Charity of the Year Partnership please get in touch!

Who we are & our board

Executive Director – Miriam Forde Miriam is responsible for the operational management and along with the board, for the strategic direction of the Irish Haemochromatosis Association. Miriam’s role is to devise and implement campaigns to increase awareness, provide support and information resources for members and the general public, manage communications and develop partnerships with health […]

Governance & GDPR

Governance Structure The Irish Haemochromatosis Association is dedicated to ensuring a sound governance structure provides the basis from which we operate, in line with our core values. The IHA is a registered charity and a company limited by guarantee. It is governed by our Memorandum and Articles of Association and the Companies Act 2014. The […]

Our Charity

The Irish Haemochromatosis Association C.L.G. (IHA) is a registered charity in Ireland, established on a voluntary basis on the 20th July 1999. Our main charitable objective is to raise awareness of Ireland’s most common genetic disorder and provide an information and support resource for patients and their families and for those who are interested in […]

Corporate Involvement & Sponsorship

At the Irish Haemochromatosis Association, support from corporate partners is so incredibly important to us. We appreciate any support your business can give us, whether it be once off or continuous support, a Charity of the Year Partnership or an Event Sponsorship.