The Irish Haemochromatosis Association has a new Constitution which was reviewed and drafted pro bono in line with the requirements of the Charity Act by Matheson Solicitors. Sincere thanks to Matheson and their team and to our Board Member, Paul Cashman-Roberts for donating their time and expertise to draft the Constitution over many months. In July of this year, the Government passed the Charities (Amendment) Act 2024. This Act, which introduces a range of amendments and updates to the Charities Act 2009, the Charities Act 1961, and the Taxes Consolidation Act 1997 respectively, amounting to a wide-reaching reform of charity governance.

Thank you from all of us at the Irish Haemochromatosis Association to Matheson Solicitors for sponsoring this important project. If you would like a copy of the Constitution, please email Miriam at [email protected] to request a copy or alternatively you can download a copy here – Download New Constitution