Caroline Martin tells her story during World Haemochromatosis Awareness Week

Caroline Martin talks about her story and her haemochromatosis journey with the Irish Daily Star, Chic magazine for World Haemochromatosis Awareness Week 2023. ‘Symptoms are often ones that are common with other medical conditions, so that is why it is so important to get tested for haemochromatosis.’ Caroline is passionate about raising awareness of haemochromatosis or iron overload and you can read her interview with Keeley Ryan here. Thanks also to Caroline’s son Rupert and husband David!

IHA News and Events

Volunteer Treasurer Needed

We are looking for a Volunteer Treasurer with an interest or a personal connection to haemochromatosis and who is interested in raising more awareness of Ireland’s most common genetic disorder. We are seeking individuals with skills and experience in finance, accountancy, book-keeping.

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Irish PR Awards

We are so proud to have been shortlisted for the Irish PR Awards in ‘Best Healthcare Campaign’ for our campaign work on World Haemochromatosis Awareness Week in 2023. Sincere thanks to all the team at Harris PR

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