Nominate us to win in AIB Community Fund

To all our Haemochromatosis Community, we need YOUR help! Please nominate us to win €28,000 in AIB’s annual Community Fund to help continue our vital work in supporting patients and their families. Every vote counts and will go towards helping us continue our work in supporting patients and their families and raising awareness of Ireland’s most common genetic disorder. Deadline: 12th June. All your votes count. Thank you!

✅ Visit –

✅ Enter you name & email

✅ Charity Name: Irish Haemochromatosis Association

✅ Charity Registration No.: 20049737

✅ Charity Location: Greater Dublin

✅ Social Theme: Other

✅ Why should we be funded: To ensure that no one in Ireland goes untreated or undiagnosed with haemochromatosis or ‘iron overload’ and to continue our vital work in supporting patients and their families

IHA News and Events

Ann Teehan talks to ‘Woman’s Way’ magazine

Ann Teehan shared her story ‘The Celtic Gene’ of her haemochromatosis journey with readers of ‘Woman’s Way’ magazine last year. Ann and her family are passionate about raising awareness of haemochromatosis, Ireland’s most common genetic disorder. Thank you Ann for sharing your personal journey with us! Read on for link to pdf of full article

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Happy New Year for 2025!

As we step into 2025, we’re filled with gratitude for your continued support and commitment to raising awareness about haemochromatosis. Together, we’ve made strides in educating and supporting those affected by iron overload, and we look forward to continuing this important work in the year ahead. May the new year bring all our haemochromatosis family health, happiness, and many moments of joy.

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Renewing your Membership of our Haemochromatosis Community!

Your membership of the IHA makes us stronger and gives us a collective voice to advocate on behalf of our members, patients and their families. At this time of year, we encourage all our members to renew your annual membership and continue to be part of our 1,000 strong community!

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