If you would like to run an Irish Marathon this year in aid of the work of the Irish Haemochromatosis Association, you can find a link to upcoming marathons in 2024 here – https://www.runningcalendar.ie/calendar/
Deirdre McCurtin and her daughters ran the VHI Women’s Mini Marathon in 2023 in Dublin in memory of Deirdre’s beloved brother Des – and raised over €500 to support the work of the Irish Haemochromatosis Association. Huge thanks to Deirdre and her family and friends! It’s very easy to set up a fundraising page, just go to https://www.idonate.ie/cause/IrishHaem and set up your own page for any event, including marathons. The Irish Haemochromatosis Association is already a registered charity for fundraising purposes with idonate.

If you would like to run a marathon anywhere else in the world, you can find a list of marathons across the globe here – https://worldsmarathons.com/c/marathon/
Email us to let us know if you would like to do a marathon, [email protected] and we will send you a fundraising pack, a tshirt and a welcome guide with more information on the impact you can make in supporting our work.