Standard (Full) Membership


You can select from the options Annual Membership (to purchase membership for one year) or Auto Renew Annual Membership. Selecting Auto Renew Annual Membership means that your membership will automatically renew after 12 months, provided your payment details remain valid.

We will only use your information to inform research and develop better services for haemochromatosis patients. For research purposes, patient information is always anonymised and patient names and identifiers are never used. See our Privacy Statement linked below for more information.

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Standard Membership 

Our membership is made up of patients, their families, the medical community including nurses, GPs, consultants and members of the public interested in the condition. We also aim to facilitate networking among members, and to encourage screening of members’ extended families through:

  • Production of a newsletter, brochures, and other media that
    provide information about and raise awareness of Haemochromatosis.
  • Formation of a membership bank.
  • Education of the general public and members of the medical
    profession about haemochromatosis
  • Information gathering to advance knowledge of the disorder.
  • The promotion and development of relationships with other
    voluntary agencies and with those involved in the medical field
    in order to advance the knowledge and treatment of

Additional information

Membership options

Annual Membership, Auto Renew Annual Membership