Dr. John Ryan, Consultant Hepatologist/Gastroenterologist, Beaumont Hospital, Dublin has advised that from a HH perspective, there is no specific evidence to suggest an increased risk of severe COVID19 in HH patients nor is there strong evidence to show that HH patients have a weakened immune system. There is a classic association between HH and vibrio infections from shellfish, which is very rare and not relevant to COVID19.

Update from Monday 23rd March 2020:

HH is not an auto-immune condition (it is hereditary). It is however a chronic condition (although not classified as such in the Irish Health system) and the advice would be the same as for anyone with a chronic illness – be as careful as possible, avoid contact with others wherever possible and follow the advice from the HSE. However, if someone has diabetes from HH for example, they should be particularly cautious. 

We would like to refer people at this time to the following resources for the most up-to-date information and advice on #Covid19. Thank you and wishing you all well.

• The Health & Safety Executive (HSE):
• Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC): www.hpsc.ie
The HPSC provides advice for the general public and for specific groups and settings, including employers, healthcare professionals, education settings and religious settings

• World Health Organisation: www.who.int
• Centre for Disease Control: www.cdc.gov